Don’t Let The Market Steal YOUR Money

Hey penny stock players! It’s been a few days since I wrote a blog. I’ve just been busy dealing with a little car trouble. We’ve all had them days when nothing seems to go right, right? But that got me thinking…

I’ve come a very long way from when I first started trading penny stocks. In fact, my first jump into this world was not an auspicious start; to put it mildly. I lost tons of money as hard lessons for being one of those people who do not read directions.

Seriously, when I was young, and still to this day, I often bought something that needed assembly only to ignore the direction sheet and try to put it together on my own. Big mistake(s)! But…as a stubborn man, I’m not sure I’ll ever fully learn my lesson.

Thankfully though, I stuck with the process and, after losing enough money – and by enough money I mean half of my account balance – I decided to take up a study of the stock market, including trading and investing.

Here, we will hold this conversation to trading. I looked up every YouTube video I could find on the subject. Of course, we all know Timothy Sykes. I’m pretty sure he’s the man who got me excited in the first place with his Lamborghinis, his expensive eating habits, and his traveling extravaganzas all caught on tape for our viewing pleasure.

Now I know that these videos are his marketing, and very, very clever marketing indeed. In fact, it worked on me. I got so excited about trading that, once I found his video feed, I had watched more than 20 of his videos right in a row. I was also already signed up for a trading account with my ACH transfer waiting to clear. So not only did the videos make me want to research the subject more and find out more about how he traded, but they also inspired me to no end.

But it wasn’t until I lost money in my first attempts of trading that I learned a very important lesson, for probably the hundredth time!

Read the Directions you Fool!

And I did! I learned technical analysis by watching videos and reading on google. I networked with many highly successful traders and learned what they did. And I kept on pushing the envelope until I found what worked for me. I took little pieces of each of my new trader friend’s styles and incorporated those pieces into my own style.

And by designing and sticking to my own system, I was able to make back all of the money I lost and finally became profitable.

But my insatiable appetite for learning the markets did not stop there. I then went on to learn how to value a company. Of course, penny stocks are such shitty companies, let’s just be brutally honest here, that most have little to no income and their financial statements are, well … garbage.

So, basically, we trade momentum. Without volume, there is not trade. And unless you’re like me, who trades more for the long term (weeks to months), then momentum is all you really care about. These longer trades have their benefits though. If the due diligence is done fully and wholly, and the CEO doesn’t screw us (see the BETS blog post by clicking here and the follow up post by clicking here) at least in the short term, then we can comfortably sit on a trade and no worry about the price being diluted to nothing. Plus, there is also the added benefit of having less trade fees because we are not entering or exiting positions as often.

But hell, what do I know?

Just what I’ve learned from my mistakes and my successes. Lately, the latter has more than quadrupled the former. And this success I owe to a new form of knowledge that I have recently been able to soak up. This new knowledge stops traders from losing their money to the market.

See, it’s one thing to make profits, it’s another to make them consistently and to prevent yourself from losing money. To do that, you must have a system that you do not ever deviate from and you must learn the ways that the stock market is manipulated.

The 8 Most Common Ways the Market is Manipulated

  1. Company Finances
  2. Debt Conversion
  3. Insider Trading
  4. Whales
  5. Market Makers
  6. Daily Traders
  7. News & Press Releases
  8. The Pump & Dump

Company finances are obvious. The more money a company makes, and the less they have to pay out, the higher the price per share. Debt conversion is a process of dilution that waters down the share price thereby lowers it. Insider trading, when traders trade a stock and know what deals and news is going to be released to the public before the public is informed. Illegal? You betcha! Does it happen anyway? Absolutely!

Whales, an insider term for big money can pushed the price up or down depending on if they are buying or selling. Daily traders, such as you and I, can manipulate the price in both long and short positions. A short position can either be a “long position” that was only held for a short amount of time, say like a week or so, or it could also mean short selling a stock in hopes that the price will drop.

News and press releases for their obvious ties to price. Often companies will release news just to pump their price up and try to increase interest in their stock. And finally, famed pump and dump, which, once you learn to play it, can make you tons of money.

Learn these eight ways the market is manipulated and you will be more informed about how to deal with them. And by knowing how these work, you will no longer sell a stock just because of a slight pull back as you were thinking the price is going to continue to drop. The esoteric term for a slight pull back is a dip. The dip is where you buy. But you would only know that if you knew about dips.

If you don’t already know how the market is manipulated, you are missing out on a least 40% more profits. So get to learning these so you can stop the market from stealing YOUR money!

But WAIT! Since the process of learning has already been done for you. I’m excited because we are now able to offer you these eight stock market manipulation methods and what you can do to stop them from stealing money from you.

All you have to do is click HERE


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~ Your friends and fellow Penny Stock Players

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